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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Architectural Design 5 - Blender my animation

Trying with various stuff with the force fields, it was interesting where you put it affect the particle emitted from the plane. Still lot to experience though

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Site contour model

I even put a helicopter here, Just wait until I could animate it, it would be really cool

I export ship model from skecth up and insert it to this model, yet
I still don't know how working with the water surface.

The first render of the site

Finished making contour of the site

Well at last I able to create one contour for my site, it was lot effort, but it really satisfying. What i'm still working is the surrounding building and the detail of the site, such as lamp, fence, etc.

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice silver goblet tutorial

silver goblet tranparent

AS we get used with subsurf shaping and shape manipulation, the tutorial brought us into much more difficult step making this goblet. Just follow the tutorial cuz this one is really cool, and you learn how to make your object transparent.

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice Penguin Tutorial

Here my penguin on somewhere on the mountain

This is the advance of creating shape, its getting difficult and if you follow the tutorial it wouldn't be a big problem. When it finish, I just realize how simple it was making this model, rather than what I thought at first glance.

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice Making Hill tutorial

Mountain with the simple model person

Okay, you will learn lot how to move vertices in propotional and different way. Such as "smooth", "constant", "sphere", "sharp", etc. Try it different each point and it become such model.

This was really the basic making the site model.

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice Ginger bread man tutorial

wood textured ginger bread man

stucci textured ginger bread man

natural ginger bread man

Reaching this tutorial, it will make you get used to edit mode for blender. Duplicate by Shift + D, extrude by E, Scale and etc. Bet with this one already able to learn the basic way of manipulating shape.

Another thing is learning adding texture and material
different texture will gave different shape of the object skin.

What I like most from this part is, It look delicious!!lol

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice Dice tutorial

Second try making dice with different method.

first try making dice with first method

I got two dice here, by following the tutorial actually there even two possible way to make this same kind object. I learned just a bit about material modification in here.

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice Bones tutorial

This one the next bones tutorial. My comment for this tutorial is simply Awesome! Blender really smart for creating free shapes

Architectural Design 5 - Blender Practice making simple person tutorial

well this is my first model, try to make strange pose and cool hat

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New to Blog

Hi, just create this blog to put all my arch. work through my studies.
Its kinda interesting that this might would be seen by people throughout the world lol.

Well If this could benefit anyone out there, then I would relief and glad for it.

I will try to keep this blog as long as I could, even after the study finished.